Tyson Junkaporta & Daniel Wahl having a yarn
I had to take a break from this series due to overcommitment on many wonderful projects. This recording is from May 2022 and some of you might have listend to this conversation on Tyson's 'The Other Other's' pod-cast. This is literally the first conversation Tyson and I had and I very much enjoyed our wide-ranging humorous take on the end of the world as we know it and re-knowing the world as human beings everywhere used to know it. If you need a teaser Tyson call the episode of his podcast: "Wahled Fortresses of Armageddon" ... we talk about peppers (rich and poor), collapse, intentional communities/ecovillages and what to learn form them, about having one's work misquoted or bent to support agendas unlikely to serve life, the notions of 'being indigenous to life' and 'life's regenerative impulse, about the adaptive cycle and Aboriginal land custodianship practices, ... creating conditions conducive tp life over the long term ... about time and our times ... deep past and deep future.